Participated Exhibition/ Festival(performance)

The UNESCO Odyssey of Small-Souls Entities (Proletariat), Arts Korea Lab; Seoul, South Korea, 19-20.Dec.
Ecological Futures, Powerplant, Seoul, South Korea, 19-21.Jul.
Power Up Party - Fists and Roses, LVHS itaewon, Seoul, South Korea, 08.Mar.

Arts Korea Lab Opening Festival, Arts Korea Lab, Gwanghwamun Twin Tree Tower A, Seoul, South Korea, 25.Oct.
New Music in Jeju 7, The Obaekjanggun gallery, Jeju, South Korea, 02.Sep.
Sweet Home, SAPY, Seoul, South Korea, 07.Jan.

D: D-D-D, wrm space, Seoul, South Korea, 17-20.Nov.
창발, 진동, 소리(Emergent sound of oscillations),중력장, Seoul, South Korea, 27.Aug.
흑석동의 낮과 밤,중력장, Seoul, South Korea, 28.May
hing’ 01 (sound performance), Seoul, South Korea, 30.Apr.

dotolim concert 141, dotolim, Seoul, South Korea, 10.Dec.
Unfold X 2021 - Digital Storytellers, DDP(Dongdaemoon Design Plaza), Seoul, South Korea, 15-28.Nov.
A pop-up shop event for ‘Data Cleansing Guide Book’, SAPY(Seoul Artists’ Platform New&Young), Seoul, South Korea, 10-11.Apr.

Unscene2020, Vurt, Seoul, South Korea, 22-23.Dec.
RE:Search:Gallery RE:Discovery residency presentation, NP3, Groningen, Netherlands, 26-29.Aug.
TEC ART, WORM, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 5-9.Feb.
Grand Opening “The Magic of ARTificial Intelligence” by Women in AI, Sofitel The Grand, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 27.Jan.

Instruments Make Play Fair, WORM, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 14.Dec.
Technologie-kunstexpo, ECP jaar congres 2019, Fokker Terminal, The Hague, Netherlands, 14.Nov.
WeSA 2019, Platform-L, Seoul, South Korea, 27-28.Sep.
Gogbot festival 2019, Enschede, Netherlands, 5-8.Sep.

Instruments Make Play Fair, WORM, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 08.Dec.
TutTotTud, Grand Theatre, Groningen, Netherlands, 12-13.Nov.
Terzetto, SIGN, Groningen, Netherlands, 03-25.Nov.
Forking Room: Your Smart Neighborhood, PostTerritoryUjeongguk, Seoul, South Korea, 01-04.Nov.
Betontegel(sound festival), Groningen, Netherlands, 18.May
Het Rumoer(sound festival), WolkenFabriek, Groningen, Netherlands, 31.03-01.Apr.


Data Cleansing Workshop, at Art Bowl Project; Uijeongbu, South Korea, 08.Aug.
DIY E-Waste Synthesizer, at ‘The Seoul Arts Learning center’, Seoul Arts & Culture Education Center Yongsan, Seoul, South Korea, 26-27.Jul.
DIY E-Waste Synthesizer, at ‘Ecological Futures’, Powerplant, Seoul, South Korea, 19-21.Jul.

Breaking-up with a Smartphone, co-ordinated workshop with artist Taeyoon Choi, The 12th Seoul Mediacity Biennale, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, South Korea, 27-28.Oct.

DIY E-Waste Synthesizer, online workshop for e-waste analog synthesizer, Sonic Acts, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 14.Oct.
DIY E-Waste Synthesizer, online workshop for e-waste analog synthesizer, Sonic Acts, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 18.Jun.
Cool Data Club, workshop for cleaning up digital data, lab-for-small-earth, Suwon, South Korea, 7.May

Data Cleansing Day, workshop for cleaning up digital data, Zero Makes Zero & Woman Open Tech Lab, Seoul, South Korea, 30.May&06.Jun.
Data Cleansing Workshop, workshop for cleaning up digital data, SAPY(Seoul Artists’ Platform New&Young), Seoul, South Korea, 27-28.Feb.

circuit-bending pre-study: DIY e-waste analog synthesizer, Woman Open Tech Lab, Seoul, South Korea, 31.Oct.
Data Cleansing Day, online workshop for cleaning up digital data to reduce digital carbon footprint, NP3 gallery, Groningen, Netherlands, 03-04.Oct.
ZOOM-DIY-SOUND, online workshop for e-waste analog synthesizer, Ilmin Museum of Art, Seoul, South Korea, 22-23.Aug.

Mini workshop for DIY e-waste instrument, ETAT space, Groningen, Netherlands, 27.Apr.


Seoul National University Graduate School of Environmental Studies, 2021-current
Dept. of Environmental Planning(Master); Environmental Management

Degree from Frank Mohr Institute, 2019
MA in Fine Art and Design; MADtech(Media, Art, Design & Technology)

Degree from Seoul National University, 2017
BA in Sociology
BA in Information Science and Culture

Supplementary education
School of Machines, Making & Make-believe, May-Jun.2017

CV for art career in pdf